I keep saying I am going to update my blog and then I get distracted. It is a Friday night in March. I have been studying most of the day for a pharmacology exam on Monday. This quarter looks easier on paper with 3 half days per week, but on May 21 I take the first step of my national board exam. I spend all of my free time either reading, doing questions online or something pertaining to this exam. If this was the only thing I had to do in the next ten weeks that would be okay but no, I still have classes to attend to and exams to take and while I know I am capable of getting through this I can't help but feel so overwhelmed that I want to shut down and go to sleep and wake on May 23 when we are leaving for Costa Rica. I know I shouldn't complain, there are thousands of people that didn't get into med school that would kill for my spot, but some days I still wonder who's idea this was.
I have attempted to continue my training and have managed to be fairly consistent with my running. I even formed a running club at school with another classmate. I also recently purchased a bike trainer so that I can ride my bike indoors, which in Chicago is a good thing. It is the first day of spring today and it has been snowing all day. I have not, however, managed to find a place to swim that is near by.
That is about all. I know I lead such an exciting life. I did rank all my rotation sites for 3rd year. Most of them will be in the city, Chicago, which means we may be moving. Also thinking about a new smaller more gas efficient car.